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Writer's pictureJames Mobbs

5 FREE tips to make your restaurant busy this Christmas

So here are my 5 FREE top tips to ensure you have a busy restaurant this Christmas - that is assuming your menus are already sorted!

Happy guests enjoying Christmas in your restaurant
5 FREE tips to make your restaurant busy this Christmas

1. Audit and amend your booking journeys

The first place to start for me is to audit and amend your booking journeys. Get your online booking widget setup for success. From dwell times, to the number of covers every 15 minutes, table configurations (set up for more large tables!), up-sells and booking terms and conditions including taking deposits or card details. The first thing you should do right now is go on your website and make a number of fake bookings for different sizes on different days and write down everywhere it can be improved.

Is the journey clear, is the communication right, is it set up for success? Not only will you save a huge amount of time and headaches down the road when for example you might need to go and get deposits from guests, but you are also maximising your opportunities now.

But don’t stop with your online booking widget. Make (or get a friend to make) fake phone calls, emails, messages to social, pop into site to make large party bookings. Do your teams have everything they need to be setup for success and give your guests the best experience possible.

2. Build your Christmas website pages

You might not want to publish it top and centre of your home page yet (after all there’s still more Aperol to be drunk in the sun) but build all your Christmas website pages with all the details, dates, menus and FAQ’s people may have. Link to this page maybe in the footer of your website, or lower down your homepage but you want to make sure it can be found in search and your teams can direct people here for incoming enquiries.

Whilst outside of large group bookings, not many people will be wanting to actually book their meal yet, there are those that will be. You need to be found in search and make sure your content covers all the questions your guests normally ask about Christmas (why not ask your teams what are the most commonly asked questions as they will know more than you!)

These two points above should be done BEFORE you do any outreach - whether paid, organic, via social, Christmas showcases or anything else. If you’re not setup for success then loading the top of the funnel with guests is like pouring water into a sieve.

3. Dig into your data for VIPs

Once you are setup for success start looking into your data. Use your reservation system to find previous bookers and regular bookers. You should easily be able to find previous bookers that also booked ‘early’ (whatever you define that as). Look through other data points too - your WiFi data, feedback data, gift card data. Getting previous visitors to visit again is always easier.

You may want to incentivise these guests, but remember incentives don’t have to be a discount. You could tell them as a previous booker or VIP you will book them onto the best table in the house, offer an exclusive ‘off menu’ special just for them, give them a gift to return in January or early access to a Christmas event (see point 5).

Depending on the size of this group I always think it’s a nice touch for these emails or phone calls to come from the General Manager / Reservation Manager. It makes it personal and special. Just be sure to only do this to the right guests and whatever you do, don’t send huge BCC emails to lots of people. Not only does this completely negate the point but you also run the risk of getting your email domain blocked!

4. Focus on your wider database

Once you’ve found and started talking to your VIPs now turn your attention to your wider database and CRM. Build and test your branded Christmas emails (and be sure to test the emails all the way through to booking - you can NEVER make too make test bookings).

Try to build a number of different emails with a variety of content - different emails for previous visitors, those that have never been, those that have lapsed etc.

You should also create (but don’t go live until later in the year) updated welcome emails. By changing your welcome email to say ‘Welcome to [brand name] this Christmas ’ it is more relevant for new subscribers. I always think it’s best practice to update your welcome emails 5 or 6 times throughout the year.

Also make sure you create an ‘exclusion’ segment for those that have already booked. We all know how many emails people get over the festive season, if you know someone already has an upcoming booking then exclude them from your Christmas emails. There’s nothing more annoying than being asked to do something you’ve already done!

5. Create events for your shoulder periods

Whilst the festive season is a crazy busy time, there are certainly still quieter periods. These will be different for different brands and operator styles but everyone will have quieter periods. These are great times to put on some Christmas events.

Work with other local businesses or brands to put on wreath making masterclasses, candle making, make up masterclasses, truffle making, make your own Christmas cracker classes, carol singing or anything in between. All you need is a bit of imagination and some space.

These events don’t have to be massive money makers in themselves - they should be about getting both new and previous guests into your business. They are good for community, good for social, good for the brand. And of course, people may stay for drinks or food afterwards and tell their friends.

You could offer exclusive ‘early booking offers’ for VIPs or regular guests. You could invite influencers or local media to attend too. Maybe do one with a charity angle (making gifts for the homeless in the community) and it’s sure to get some good PR and be a great thing to do.

So there it is. Of course on top of this there is your social, paid, showcases and regular email, website and press content going out.

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